Very rarely would you ever find me on a health kick, but lately I've been craving sugar SO MUCH that I knew I needed something to reset my system. I kept hearing about this one local juice cleanse company called Squeezed Online on the radio, and when I started searching for a cleanse of my own on Pinterest, that same company popped up again! I took it as a sign and ordered my three day cleanse the very next day.
Luckily for me, I convinced my friend Natalie to do the cleanse with me. It always helps to have someone keep you accountable. We decided to do our three days on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I know some people may be thinking, "What?! The weekends are the hardest parts!" but for us, with no kids and no real obligations, the weekend seemed like the perfect time to move at our own pace and focus on being healthy without worrying about stress at work.
Read on for five things I learned with my first ever three day juice cleanse. Hint: I'll definitely be doing more in the future!
xo Carm
#1: Yes, I Lost Weight
I feel like this is the first questions people have when talking to somebody about a juice cleanse. And yes, I did lose weight. I mean, if you think about it, it's pretty much impossible not to lose weight when you're only drinking juice for three days. I lost a total of three pounds, and so did Natalie. We are different sizes and body types, so I think this average is probably pretty consistent across the board.
#2: My Sugar Dragon Is Gone
My main goal for doing a juice cleanse was to stop craving so much sugar. Losing weight was kind of just an added benefit. And I'm happy to report that the cleanse did get rid of my sugar dragon! Now, I know there's A LOT of sugar in the juices (so much fruit!), but I found that those natural sugars kept me energetic throughout the day, without the crash that I get after eating artificial sugars. And after the cleanse, my cravings for the sugary foods and drinks I couldn't stop consuming before was honestly nonexistent!
#3: Five Juices A Day Is A Lot
I feel like people often think, "How am I supposed to drink only five juices a day?! I'm going to be SO hungry!" but I think you'll be surprised to find that you're actually never really that hungry as long as you follow the schedule. You're supposed to drink a juice every 2-3 hours, and honestly, you won't even be hungry every 2-3 hours. I found it hard to get through five juices in a day -- it seemed like I constantly had a juice in my hand!
#4: Even Picky Eaters Can Do A Juice Cleanse
The one thing I was most nervous about was the fact that I'm such a picky eater. I was scared that I would seriously hate every single juice, get discouraged, and give up. But thankfully, that was not the case! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't voluntarily order every single juice that came with my cleanse, but it didn't take me long to warm up to flavors like beets and turmeric. Anything with chard or parsley on the other hand... Stay far, far away from me. All this to say, my one tip for picky eaters attempting to do a juice cleanse is CHUG CHUG CHUG!
#5: Three Days Is The Sweet Spot
If you're thinking about trying out your first ever juice cleanse, I would definitely encourage you to start with a three day cleanse. It's long enough that your body actually has time to adjust and reset your system -- but it's also short enough that you feel confident that you can finish the plan successfully. By the end of three days, I was SO HAPPY to get back to eating real (and healthy) foods. A week is just too long to go without food in my book, but that's just me. I had such a great experience that I plan to continue doing three day cleanses once a month whenever I feel like I need a reset.